Trustico® Trademarks

Trustico® by Red 16, Inc. has been granted the usage of the Trustico® Registered Trademark under licensed agreement. There is an agreement in place for the usage of (but not limited to) the trademarks shown on this page.

Trustico® Trademark

A registered trademark is legally enforceable and gives the individual, business or legal entity exclusive rights to commercially use, license or sell the trademark for the goods and services that it is registered under. The owner of a registered trademark may commence legal proceedings for trademark infringement in cases where there has been unauthorized use of the trademark.

Our United States Registered Trademarks

We currently hold an exclusive right to trademark number 79092263, 1064226 and 3529780.

Our Canadian Registered Trademark

We currently hold an exclusive right to trademark number TMA809453.

Our Australian Registered Trademarks

We currently hold an exclusive right to trademark number 1175845, 1361635 and 1361636.

Our European Community Registered Trademark

We currently hold an exclusive right to trademark number 1064226.

Our New Zealand Registered Trademarks

We currently hold an exclusive right to trademark number 824767, 824768 and 824769.

Our United Kingdom Registered Trademarks

We currently hold an exclusive right to trademark number UK0002447117A and UK0002447117B.

A trademark is an indicator used by an individual, business or other legal entity to identify that the products or services to which the trademark applies; originate from a unique source. This enables consumers to recognize the goods or services originate from a particular company and assures that the trademark owner (and not an imitative competitor) lawfully reaps the rewards associated with the products or services to which the trademark applies.

A trademark is any word, logo, slogan, name, symbol, package design or device (including any combination of these) that identifies and distinguishes the source of the products or services of one entity from those of others. A registered trademark which is published by the appropriate country or international trademark office includes a representation of the mark and a listing of the goods or services that are covered by the registration.